West Fresno Middle School – Home of the Eagles!

West Fresno Middle School is part of the Washington Unified School District. We are located in the heart of California’s Central San Joaquin Valley, at 2888 N. Ivy Ave., in Fresno, and serve about 350 students grades 6-8. West Fresno Middle School partners with West Fresno Elementary School (K-5) and our surrounding community.


To make learning experiences engaging and meaningful.

Mission Statement

To ensure that students are exposed to critical academic skills and the qualities of good character necessary for their success in high school, college and future careers.


  1. Increase reading, writing, and problem solving skills.
  2. Foster student engagement through rigorous and relevant curriculum.
  3. Monitor student learning by continually evaluating assessment data.
  4. Promote great character through our PRIDE values.
  5. Create transparent procedures.
  6. Collaborate with stakeholders to create a positive learning environment for our students.

School Motto

  1. First impressions are everlasting; Good Character is 24 / 7 and we always glide with Eagle P.R.I.D.E. (Pride, Responsibility, Integrity, Discipline, and Etiquette) Bring it!